Pathways to Learning Course Selection

Sessions will be available in both face to face and virtual formats.

Virtual Learning: Guidance for Engagement, Recordings, RIM, and Privacy

Training for All Government Job Applicants and Health PEI Job Applicants

PSC Admin Team Training

Module #1
Module #2

PSC Staffing Consultant Training

Module #1
Module #2

PSC HR Teams Training

Module #1
Module #2

Health PEI HR Teams Training (Coming Soon)

Health PEI TA Team Training (Coming Soon)

Civil Hiring Managers

Health PEI Hiring Managers (Coming Soon)

Canadian Public Service Climate Literacy Suite

Climate Adaptation Resilience Training (CART) Series

Registration for the next intake will open in Summer 2025. 

Future intakes: (English and French cohorts)
•    September 2025 
•    January 2026
•    September 2026

Other courses offered through the Pathways to Learning Calendar:

Anti-Oppressive Climate Action
Policy Lens Series: Climate Change
Understanding Climate Hazards and Risks