Disputes over the interpretation and application of collective bargaining agreement terms are natural. But quick and fair resolution is important; unresolved, disputes can fester and create a negative workplace. The Grievance and Arbitration Process is a fundamental dispute mechanism with which managers and supervisors must be familiar and skilled at managing.
Learning Objectives
- Grievance & Arbitration Process. The two key components of the Grievance and Arbitration Process and how they interact; the key strengths and weaknesses of the Process; and why and how to proactively manage it.
- Grievance Procedure. The purposes of the Grievance Procedure component of the Process and the typical steps in it, including: grievance levels; time limits; the parties’ roles; the value and parameters of Grievance discussions; how a Grievance starts and how it can end; and how to analyze and respond to a grievance.
- Arbitration Procedure. The purposes and typical steps of the Arbitration Procedure component of the Process, including: how to move from the Grievance to the Arbitration Procedure; arbitrator selection; how to prepare for an arbitration hearing, including if you are a witness; and what to expect at an arbitration hearing.
Date: October 8, 2024; 9 am - 12 pm
Register here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/f0b141d8-5ff1-4a40-bbd7-0d0401fc01b7@c86b09eb-7ad7-4aa2-9d82-98a45bd8ec19