Executive Leadership Accelerator Program

Information Poster

GPEI recognizes the importance of investing in leaders who are ready, willing and able to continue their development and commit to assuming the responsibilities of executive leadership positions within the public service on an ongoing basis. All departments across government have human resource plans designed to recruit, retain and engage knowledgeable and skilled employees to meet these expectations.  Succession planning is a component of these plans with professional development as one of the critical strategies for success.

Executive Leadership Accelerator Program (ELAP) is available to ambitious classified civil service leaders who are interested in further advancing their leadership skills and aspire to an executive leadership role and/or position (e.g. CEO, CAO, CFO, Deputy Minister, Executive Director, ADM) in the public service as part of their career plan. 

Why do we need the ELAP?
The Public Service Commission (PSC) continues to build capacity and develop strong leadership within the public service to support government’s strategic directions. As we future proof our workforce, we need to be aware of the following:

  • The future of work is changing: There are shortages in labour markets; career paths increasingly change; there is a need for upskilling and re-skilling; and flexibility and remote work options for employees are here to stay.
  • Demographic and diversity shifts: Public service demographics indicate an increased percentage of employees who will be eligible to retire over the next five years. In addition, there is continued focus on equity, diversity and inclusion within the public service.
  • Succession management: Employee Engagement Survey results consistently demonstrate that employees want ongoing development and career growth opportunities within the public service.  It is also crucial to develop, manage, and retain the high-quality talent that we have within the public service.
  • Leadership development: Developing and improving leadership capabilities and competencies are critical to the success of the public service.  Your personal development and growth will help you to lead yourself, your team, and the organization effectively.

Here is your opportunity to:
•    Level up your leadership knowledge  
•    Advance your leadership vision and decision-making capabilities 
•    Enhance your team building skills to build momentum and deliver results
•    Manage priorities, collaborate, and coordinate important work across the public service
•    Broaden your knowledge of the public service and GPEI’s strategic directions
•    Share your knowledge and experiences and network with colleagues
•    Receive mentoring and 1:1 coaching
•    Increase self-confidence
•    Participate in a sprint learning opportunity and corporate challenge

As a participant in the program, you will be expected to actively contribute to a corporate challenge or project that will be determined by senior leadership and presented in a dragon’s den format (think: Policy Hack!) during the ELAP retreat. It is intended that the results of your project work will have a positive impact for one of the public service priorities. Both your learning sessions and support for the corporate challenge/ project will be provided by both internal and external, public and private sector, subject content experts.

What is expected of participants?
As a participant in the program, you will be expected to:   
•    Attend two days of pre-scheduled learning sessions per month, over an accelerated 9-12 month period
•    Participate in/receive 1:1 coaching
•    Complete five hours, on average, per month on individual learning
•    Participate actively in a corporate challenge project/ sprint learning opportunity over a six-month period and commit to attending and presenting your results at the retreat toward the end of the program

Who is eligible to apply?
The Executive Leadership Accelerator Program is accessible to classified civil service leaders (e.g. senior managers, senior advisors, directors, previous Leaders In Action alumni, etc.). Employees who are selected to participate in this pathway should be ambitious and have the desire to assume an executive leadership role or position within the public service.     
A diverse group of fifteen participants from across the civil service will be selected to participate in this cohort of Executive Leadership Accelerator Program (ELAP).

Who is responsible for the Executive Leadership Accelerator Program (ELAP)?
In partnership with the Executive Council Office, the PSC is responsible for the development and implementation of this pathway.  The Manager of Organizational Development, with designated PSC resources, designs, administers and coordinates the program. 

Application and selection process
•    Expressions of interest/ applications are submitted to the Manager of Organizational Development.
•    An adjudication board comprised of Deputy Ministers will evaluate and nominate a participant from each department.       
•    All applicants will be informed of their outcome by October 15, 2024. 
•    The program will begin on October 25th.
•    Applications will be open until September 19th at 4:00pm here: https://gov.questionpro.ca/ExecutiveLeadershipAcceleratorProgram